Benefits of Elsalhaya Garden olive oil
Benefits of Elsalhaya Garden olive oil:
Olive oil is excellent for health, due to its richness in Omega 3, 6 and 9 and monounsaturated fatty acids
One of the benefits of olive oil is that it reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and lowers the levels of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) in the blood
Weight loss
A diet rich in olive oil contributes to facilitating weight loss, and drinking olive oil is a great way to take advantage of its benefits to get rid of obesity, as researchers concluded that drinking olive oil regularly causes more weight loss than a low-fat diet, with the need to avoid excessive intake as it is high in calories, so it should be in moderation and should not be eaten with a diet full of fats in the first place
Heart disease
Drinking two tablespoons of olive oil daily helps reduce the risk of heart disease, according to scientific studies and research, as olive oil contains monounsaturated fat, which is a healthy type of fat.
Therefore, eating olive oil instead of saturated and unsaturated fats reduces the risk of heart disease.
One of the benefits of olive oil is that it is also effective against oxidative stress, which is associated with many diseases, including cardiovascular disease.
Strengthening the immune system
Since ancient times, people have been eating olive oil on an empty stomach in order to improve the work and efficiency of the immune system, which is responsible for fighting various diseases.
The fatty acids present in olive oil play a role in promoting and supporting the health of the immune system, in fighting pathogens
Benefits of white vinegar
White vinegar is known for being a disinfectant, which is included in some recipes and the pickling process, and to add a special flavor to meals. It is also used in the treatment of many diseases, especially skin diseases, because of its distinctive nutritional value
Here are the most important benefits of white vinegar as follows
Benefits of white vinegar as an antiseptic
Vinegar has strong antimicrobial properties, making it a convenient, affordable and versatile option as a natural disinfectant and household cleaner.
White vinegar can be used to clean almost any surface, including countertops, floors, windows and mirrors.
But you must always make sure to dilute vinegar with some water before using it as a disinfectant and cleaner.
Vinegar is also useful for cleaning grease and dirt from the dishwasher and removing weeds from the garden.
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Health benefits of white vinegar
White vinegar benefits can include:
Relieve itching and soothe burns
Eating white vinegar helps relieve itching and pain, and it has been found to have an effect in calming burns, especially caused by exposure to the sun for a long time, and pain from bee stings or jellyfish
So, for example, 2-3 tablespoons are added to 1.5 liters of water, and then the itchy or stinging place is rinsed, but it is always recommended to consult a doctor before using it
Skin cleansing and pimple treatment
It was found that white vinegar may be used to treat and remove warts, and as a sterile substance, it has a role in cleansing the skin and combating various pollutants and causes of pimples and acne
Lowering cholesterol levels
بينت الدراسات أن تناول الخل قد يساهم في خفض مستويات الكولسترول والدهون الثلاثية في الجسم، وكلاهما من عوامل الخطر لأمراض القلب، وذلك بفضل محتواه من حمض الخليك.
Lowering blood sugar levels
A study showed that drinking 15 milliliters of white vinegar with water contributes to regulating blood sugar levels, and thus it may be useful for diabetics to add vinegar to their meals in reasonable quantities
Bone strengthening
It was found that white vinegar may have an effective role in increasing the absorption of calcium and promoting this process in the body, thanks to the acetic acid
Thus, regular vinegar consumption may help strengthen the bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis
Weight Loss
White vinegar contains a small percentage of calories, and it may be an ideal alternative to some high-calorie food additives, such as: mayonnaise, and thus, eating vinegar may help in weight regulation and control the amount of calories
Vinegar also contributes to regulating blood sugar levels, and therefore it may contribute to controlling appetite and feeling full
Treating sore throat problems
Gargling with white vinegar helps treat throat problems and inflammation. For this purpose, add a teaspoon of white vinegar to a bottle of water and gargle with it
Vinegar is acidic and can kill bacteria in the throat, relieving inflammation
Bad breath treatment
The use of vinegar may help treat bad breath problems, and it is recommended to use it once or twice a week of rinsing, and this may not only help treat bad breath, but also whiten teeth
White vinegar precautions
The acidity of vinegar is usually high, due to its acetic acid content, which may reach approximately 20% in homemade vinegar. Hence, vinegar takes its properties in sterilization and disinfection, and care must be taken when using it
So white vinegar can lead to symptoms of acid reflux, heartburn and indigestion in some people, so it is best to dilute it with water to prevent any harmful effects on health
Excessive consumption of acidic foods such as white vinegar can also contribute to tooth enamel damage
Apple cider vinegar benefits
The health benefits of apple cider vinegar are numerous and varied, most notably the following
Natural antibiotic
If you have diarrhea, it may be caused by a bacterial infection, and by mixing a little apple cider vinegar, one or two spoons, with water, you will find that you have solved the problem, this is of course because of the benefits of apple cider vinegar that
Antibiotic repellent and killer of parasites
It has a research-proven role in calming intestinal cramps because apples contain pectin.
It can help your body get rid of fungi, as it is rich in natural enzymes that can help rid the body of fungi and yeasts that cause thrush
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Prevents indigestion
If you suffer from indigestion, especially if you eat several meals together and at frequent times, you should add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and drink it half an hour before food
Removes stuffy nose and heals sore throat
To treat a stuffy nose and heal the throat from inflammation, it is recommended to mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with water and you will see the difference and how this will help comfort your sinuses, as apple cider vinegar helps:
Breaking up mucous material throughout the body
Cleansing the lymph nodes
Research suggests that apple cider vinegar can help allergy sufferers because of its ability to relieve congestion in the mucous and sinuses. It can also help ward off sinus infections and associated symptoms, such as; Sore throat and headache
And if you feel the beginning of your sore throat, remember that most germs do not live in an acidic environment like apple cider vinegar, and just mixing ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar with ¼ cup of warm water and rinsing around every hour will help you a lot.
Fatigue cure
If you are an athlete or have recently started exercising, and you have begun to feel muscle fatigue resulting from the accumulation of lactic acid on the muscles after a period of exertion, here is the solution for that, add to a cup of water a spoonful of apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar contains potassium and enzymes. Which may relieve fatigue and quickly
Get rid of sudden leg cramps
It is an old folk remedy, where it was advised to add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and a little honey to a glass of water and drink it to relieve leg cramps at night
teeth whitning
It has actually been proven that vinegar helps remove teeth stains, whitens and even sterilizes them by killing mouth and gum bacteria, so we advise you to rinse with apple cider vinegar in the morning before brushing your teeth
Good for hair and skin health
Apple cider vinegar can:
Increase the shine of your hair and strengthen it by rinsing the hair with it after using the shampoo, where you can use an old shampoo bottle, then fill it with half a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a cup of cold water, and wash your hair with it several times a week and you will notice amazing results.
It regulates the acidity of the skin and maintains your skin. Washing your skin with it with water before going to bed, and in the morning before applying moisturizer will help remove spots from your skin and traces of acne and purify it.
By moistening a cotton ball with apple cider vinegar, then attaching it to the wart, as the skin may swell a little in some as a natural reaction, and then the wart will fall off, and the treatment should continue for a few days, to ensure that it does not return.
Helps soothe sunburned skin.
It is used in natural massages and massage. Massaging the hands and feet with it helps them a lot in relieving them of fatigue and stress.
Helps lose weight
Several studies have proven the role of apple cider vinegar and daily consumption of acetic acid (which is the main ingredient in apple cider vinegar) in reducing weight and fat, especially in the abdominal area and waist circumference, and reducing triglycerides and harmful cholesterol, as it is a good fat solvent and stimulant for metabolism in the body
It can be used by adding it to a salad or to a glass of water, provided:
Its quantity should not exceed two tablespoons per day.
Not to be eaten alone on an empty stomach and on an empty stomach
Apple cider vinegar is high in potassium that helps transport nutrients to cells and remove toxins and free radicals from the body. One of the benefits of apple cider vinegar is also that it maintains the balance of the body’s own internal system. Apple cider vinegar helps the body maintain a healthy pH level. alkaline
Helps eliminate toxins
Where does apple cider vinegar work:
Balancing the pH of the body thus it helps in detoxifying the body in general.
Research shows that it can help stimulate blood circulation and the heart
Helping to detoxify the liver.
Helps you reduce heartburn
Some research suggests that apple cider vinegar corrects high acidity (or low stomach pH) and thus helps reduce heartburn.
Natural healing experts also say that you should start to feel relief very soon after taking a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar followed by a glass of water, but it should be noted that apple cider vinegar will not work for you if you suffer from ulcers.
Pomegranate molasses is the concentrated form of juice, but without its sweet taste, which is prepared by boiling pomegranate juice and then leaving it until it becomes thicker and darker in color
Pomegranate molasses is used and added to many foods such as salads or when cooking food
Benefits of pomegranate molasses
Due to the nutritional values of pomegranate molasses, it has many health benefits, which are as follows
Skin care
Since pomegranate molasses contains a good amount of vitamin C and polyphenolic antioxidants, it helps in improving skin health in general.
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يعمل دبس الرمان على تقليل خطر الإصابة بالالتهابات الجلدية ومنع التأكسد الإجهادي (Oxidative stress) الذي يسبب الشيخوخة المبكرة والتجاعيد.
إضافة إلى ذلك، يحتوي دبس الرمان على مادة النياسين، المهمة في زيادة مرونة الجلد.
تعزيز صحة الشعر
وجود العديد من الفيتامينات والمعادن في دبس الرمان والعناصر الطبيعية، يساهم في تعزيز صحة الشعر بشكل كبير.
استخدام دبس الرمان قادر على تحسين صحة الشعر من خلال تقوية البصيلات وإضافة البريق واللمعان للشعر.
تحسين عمليات الهضم
يساعد دبس الرمان في تحسين عمليات الهضم بسبب احتواءه على مجموعة فيتامين ب.
هذه الفيتامينات مهمة لزيادة كفاءة عمل العضلات والجهاز العصبي، الأمر الذي ينعكس بشكل إيجابي على حركة الطعام بالأمعاء وتحسين الهضم بشكل عام، وبالتالي التقليل من المشاكل المعوية مثل الإمساك والنفخة.
الوقاية من خطر الإصابة بالسرطان
تبين أن دبس الرمان له القدرة على خفض خطر الإصابة بأنواع معينة من السرطان، مثل سرطان الثدي والبروستاتا ويعود السبب بذلك إلى وجود مضادات أكسدة نشطة في دبس الرمان، والتي تؤثر على الجذور الحرة في الجسم.
تحسين كفاءة الجهاز المناعي
من أهم فوائد دبس الرمان أنه يعمل على زيادة كفاءة وعمل الجهاز المناعي في الجسم، وذلك نتيجة وجود كمية جيدة من فيتامين ج فيه.
فدبس الرمان يعزز من عمل الجهاز المناعي من خلال الحث على إنتاج خلايا الدم البيضاء، والتي تعد خط الدفاع الأول أمام الجراثيم ومسببات الأمراض المختلفة.
خفض مستويات الكوليسترول
مركبات البوليفينوليك الموجودة في دبس الرمان لها تأثير مباشر على مستويات الكوليسترول، فهي قادرة على خفضها بشكل ملحوظ.
يساعد الحفاظ على مستويات الكوليسترول السيئة منخفضة يحميك من خطر الإصابة بالعديد من الأمراض المختلفة مثل النوبة القلبية والسكتة الدماغية.
Asian food lovers can not do without soy sauce in their kitchens, and soy sauce is one of the ingredients that Asian cuisine depends on and uses in a large number of recipes that are distinguished by soy sauce
Soy sauce
It is a sauce characterized by a brown color and a slightly salty taste in a liquid consistency, and is used to season a large number of Asian foods. Soy sauce is made by fermenting soybeans and wheat with salt and water. Soy sauce has a distinct, distinct flavor that makes it ideal for seasoning meat and fish. There are many uses for soy sauce, especially the famous Asian foods, in addition to its use in grilling seasonings, such as meat and chicken of various types, to add a distinctive flavor to it and give it a distinctive taste and beautiful brown color
Different types of soy sauce: There are a large number of types of soy sauce according to the method of fermentation and manufacture and the different tastes from one region to another in Asia, and the most famous of these types are
Dark soy sauce: The most common type in Japan, it is reddish-brown in color and has a strong aroma
Light Soy Sauce: It contains more soybeans and less wheat, has a lighter texture and less strong smell
source of antioxidants
The natural antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables help fight free radicals and prevent many diseases and health problems
Free radicals are unstable chemicals that form naturally in the body, and they can damage cells and cause serious health problems, such as heart disease and cancer.
Cooking foods may lead to the breaking of some heat-sensitive nutrients, such as: antioxidants, but the use of the pickling process to preserve vegetables preserves the antioxidants in them and reduces their loss, and thus increases their health effectiveness.
Prevention of some diseases
Cucumbers are high in beta-carotene, an antioxidant, which your body converts into vitamin A.
Carotene is a powerful compound that has been shown to help reduce the chances of death from heart disease, stroke, cancer and respiratory disease.
Other benefits of pickles
The benefits of pickles also include all of the following:
Enhanced insulin sensitivity in people with insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes.
Regulating blood sugar level.
Liver protection..
Treatment of muscle cramps and spasms.
Relief of stomach ulcers caused by weakening of the mucous membranes and hyperacidity
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يقلل مستويات الكوليسترول الضار
أجريت دراسة صغيرة تمت المقارنة فيها بين تأثير تناول الزيت الحار مقابل تأثير تناول زيت الذرة في تخفيض الكوليسترول الضار، وأظهرت نتائجها أن الزيت الحار ساهم في تخفيض مستوى الكوليسترول الضار بشكل واضح وأن زيت الذرة لم يكن له أي تأثير يذكر.
يساعد في الوقاية من مرض السرطان
يحتمل أن يساهم الزيت الحار في الوقاية من أنواع معينة من السرطان.
معظم الدراسات في هذا المجال أجريت على الحيوانات، وأشارت مراجعة لهذه الدراسات إلى أن الأحماض الأمينية الموجودة في الزيت الحار قد تساعد في تثبيط حجم أورام الثدي وقتل الخلايا السرطانية فيه.
يساعد في علاج جفاف العين
من فوائد الزيت الحار أنه قد يساهم تناوله في التخفيف من أعراض جفاف العين لدى المرضى المصابين بمتلازمة شوغرن (Sjogren’s syndrome).
من المحتمل كذلك أن يساعد استخدامه إلى جانب زيت السمك في التخفيف من الجفاف وزيادة إفراز الدموع.
يقلل مستويات السكر في الدم
يساهم الزيت الحار في تخفيض سكر الدم لدى المصابات بسكري الحمل، ويحتمل كذلك أن يساعد في تسريع عملية الشفاء من تقرحات القدم لدى مرضى السكري عمومًا.
تحسين أعراض اضطراب نقص الانتباه
يمكن أن يساعد الزيت الحار في تخفيف أعراض اضطراب فرط الحركة ونقص الانتباه، كما أفادت الدراسات بأن تناوله إلى جانب فيتامين ج قد يقلل من الاندفاع ويساعد على ضبط النفس عند الأطفال المصابين بهذا الاضطراب.
Pickle Benefits:
A source of probiotics
Although pickles may be a poor source of vitamins and minerals, they are a rich source of probiotic bacteria.
Since pickling is a form of fermentation, when vegetables and fruits are fermented, they help healthy bacteria break down the hard-to-digest cellulose in foods
This is why some people who are lactose intolerant can’t take milk, but they don’t have any problems with yoghurt
These beneficial bacteria help keep fermented food safe and less likely to spoil, and can help increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut, which means enhancing the gut’s environment and functioning and overall digestive health
source of antioxidants
The natural antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables help fight free radicals and prevent many diseases and health problems
Free radicals are unstable chemicals that form naturally in the body, and they can damage cells and cause serious health problems, such as heart disease and cancer.
Cooking foods may lead to the breaking of some heat-sensitive nutrients, such as: antioxidants, but the use of the pickling process to preserve vegetables preserves the antioxidants in them and reduces their loss, and thus increases their health effectiveness.
Prevention of some diseases
Cucumbers are high in beta-carotene, an antioxidant, which your body converts into vitamin A.
Carotene is a powerful compound that has been shown to help reduce the chances of death from heart disease, stroke, cancer and respiratory disease.
Other benefits of pickles
The benefits of pickles also include all of the following:
Enhanced insulin sensitivity in people with insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes.
Regulating blood sugar level.
Liver protection..
Treatment of muscle cramps and spasms.
Relief of stomach ulcers caused by weakening of the mucous membranes and hyperacidity
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source of antioxidants
The natural antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables help fight free radicals and prevent many diseases and health problems
Free radicals are unstable chemicals that form naturally in the body, and they can damage cells and cause serious health problems, such as heart disease and cancer.
Cooking foods may lead to the breaking of some heat-sensitive nutrients, such as: antioxidants, but the use of the pickling process to preserve vegetables preserves the antioxidants in them and reduces their loss, and thus increases their health effectiveness.
Prevention of some diseases
Cucumbers are high in beta-carotene, an antioxidant, which your body converts into vitamin A.
Carotene is a powerful compound that has been shown to help reduce the chances of death from heart disease, stroke, cancer and respiratory disease.
Other benefits of pickles
The benefits of pickles also include all of the following:
Enhanced insulin sensitivity in people with insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes.
Regulating blood sugar level.
Liver protection..
Treatment of muscle cramps and spasms.
Relief of stomach ulcers caused by weakening of the mucous membranes and hyperacidity
Benefits of Elsalhaya Garden Grape Leaves
It protects the human from annoying heart diseases, because it is rich in many vitamins such as vitamin (C, E, A, K), and it is provided with minerals
Eliminates and destroys those cancer cells; especially bowel cancer.
It is one of the most beneficial foods for health, because it contains iron, fiber, and calcium. It contains little salt and sugar, which is why diabetics do not accept it
It is considered one of the most resistant and anti-inflammatory foods of all kinds
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It is a suitable food for those who want to lose weight; Because it contains few calories
It increases the activity of the liver. aids in the digestive process; It reduces cholesterol levels and prevents constipation
Resists osteoporosis.
The body gets rid of organic acids, which benefits people with gout or rheumatism.
It stimulates blood circulation in the body.
When you take it, you feel relaxed and comfortable, and it removes tension from the veins.
Relieves cold, and soothes the condition of people with sinuses.
It gives a person more immunity to fight diseases.
It is a strong resistance to arteriosclerosis
Garlic is one of the most well-known vegetables in terms of healing properties and health benefits. Many health problems can be prevented or treated with the help of garlic
There is a myriad of evidence that proves that the source of these uses is thousands of years ago in different civilizations around the world. Many recent studies have proven a direct relationship between garlic and the prevention of various health problems, the most important of which are
Reducing cholesterol and blood pressure levels
Eating garlic regularly may reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, by equalizing the ratio between the good (HDL) and the bad (LDL) cholesterol
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In addition, many studies have proven that eating garlic regularly may contribute to lowering blood pressure and thus prevent heart disease and stroke.
Prevent blood clots
Blood clots may lead to blockage of the arteries, thus stopping the blood flow to the various tissues and organs of the body, where the danger of these cases is that they lead to a stroke or heart attack.
But eating garlic can increase the production of nitric oxide in the blood vessels, which helps to widen them, and as a result, garlic has the advantage of dissolving blood clots
Infectious disease control
Garlic has been used for thousands of years as a preventative and a cure for many health problems.
Garlic contains sulfur compounds, vitamin C and B6, selenium, magnesium, potassium, calcium and other substances known for their ability to fight many types of germs, viruses and even fungal infections
Thus, it was included in the creation and manufacture of many ointments and drops intended for external treatment of fungi and ear infections.
Garlic and common cold
The study, which included 150 participants who received garlic supplements or capsules that did not contain any effect (placebo), especially during the height of the winter season, revealed that one of the benefits of garlic is that it contributes to preventing and treating cases of colds.
The results of the study indicated that the incidence of colds was significantly reduced in those who took garlic compared to those who received a placebo.
In addition, when people from both groups had a cold, those who took garlic recovered much more quickly than the group of people who received the placebo
Cancer prevention
Garlic contains antioxidants and other properties that strengthen the immune system in the body, and even reduce the risk of colon, stomach and pancreatic cancer.
Also, garlic supplements may prevent the development of cancer cells in people whose family members have had breast, prostate and throat cancers.
In addition, garlic has the ability to combat many types of parasites, especially intestinal parasites and worms
Garlic and diabetes
Garlic may improve many symptoms and complications associated with diabetes, such as kidney problems, nervous system and retina problems
Also, eating garlic may reduce the levels of sugar, cholesterol and fats in the blood, which greatly helps diabetics.
Benefits of garlic for pregnant women
As for the benefits of garlic for pregnant women, they include:
Improving blood circulation for pregnant women, as well as lowering blood pressure and reducing cholesterol levels. This is important for the safety of pregnancy for both the mother and the fetus, even after birth.
Children’s weight gain when they are born, some different studies have revealed that garlic affects the weight gain of children when they are born, especially those who were expected to be born with low weight.
Where the researchers concluded that taking garlic extracts by women most likely to give birth to a low birth weight baby contributed to stimulating the growth of the fetus and increasing its birth weight
Garlic reduces fatigue during pregnancy, and destroys harmful bacteria, fungi and viruses. This is according to the University of Maryland Medical Center
Helps treat vaginal infections, which include yeast hypersensitivity syndrome and chronic candidiasis. This is according to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
But as with any natural preparation or supplement, you should talk to your doctor before using garlic for therapeutic purposes during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.
Garlic is very beneficial for hair
Garlic is a treatment to improve hair growth by using it as a topical preparation, and it also helps to fight hair loss.
Garlic contains many nutrients that are necessary for hair and general health, including:
Sulfur: It is involved in building many proteins, including keratin, which makes up hair. It is reported that sulfur is beneficial for the skin, nails and nerves. It can be used as a treatment to fight psoriasis and eczema, two conditions that damage the health of hair
Selenium: The selenium in garlic along with vitamin E improves hair health. It enhances the body’s ability to use this vitamin to destroy free radicals that damage cell membranes
People who do not have the ability to use vitamin E or who lack it often lose hair or have dry and dull hair.
B vitamins and vitamin C: Garlic is an important source of vitamin C, B-6, and B-1, also known as thiamine. These vitamins are important for healthy hair.
Vitamin C prevents hair from splitting and helps boost collagen production. A lack of vitamin B-6 may lead to hair loss.
As for thiamine, in addition to stimulating blood circulation in the scalp, it also stimulates the metabolism of carbohydrates.
Minerals: The minerals present in garlic help in getting healthy hair. Elements such as calcium, copper, iron and manganese play a role in building and growing hair and skin cells, as well as protecting hair from damage.
Garlic and skin nourishment
Although some people put garlic oil on their skin to treat fungal infections or warts and skin diseases that affect them, but the effectiveness of garlic against warts and nails is still uncertain.
But there is no doubt, that each clove of garlic contains large amounts of a naturally occurring chemical known as allicin, which, when digested, interacts with the blood, to create a protection capable of killing many harmful bacteria and viruses that the human body may have. It can harbor them, such as causing acne and other skin infections.
In addition, allicin is an effective antioxidant, which increases its ability to protect against viruses. Garlic’s antibacterial properties have been shown in both topical treatments applied to the skin and treatments taken orally.
To get the maximum benefits of garlic, eat it raw and finely chopped and put it in a salad dish or add it to the meal before serving.
garlic benefits for sex
Eating raw garlic may make the husband or wife turn to the other side of the bed. However, it is certainly capable of arousing your sexual desire.
The distinctive spicy taste of garlic is what arouses your sexual desire. As we mentioned, garlic contains allicin, which is believed to increase blood flow in the sexual organs.
This advice does not work overnight, you clearly need to consume garlic for up to a whole month to reap its benefits.
If you can’t tolerate raw garlic, you can take it in capsule form as a supplement at your local natural health food store or drugstore.
What is the recommended amount of garlic to eat?
The recommended daily amount of garlic is related to each individual’s personal measurements, as it varies from person to person.
In general, it is recommended to eat one or two cloves of garlic daily. It is not recommended to eat garlic on an empty stomach because it may stimulate gastric juice, causing stomach ulcers and a feeling of discomfort.
It is recommended to eat fresh garlic as much as possible, as after about an hour of peeling it loses many of the active substances in it from its effectiveness when exposed to air (oxidizes). raw garlic;
How to cope with the smell of garlic?
The strong smell of garlic is due to the active substance in it, which is allicin. Ironically, this substance is responsible for a variety of medicinal properties that characterize this wonderful fruit.
In order to avoid the unpleasant smell of garlic, be sure to clean your teeth well, and use special preparations to refresh the smell of the mouth, and dental floss.
Also, be sure to clean the surface of the tongue. It is also recommended by many to eat fresh orange juice, mint or parsley, as these foods have the ability to neutralize the effect of the strong smell of garlic.
More medicinal benefits of garlic:
Diet: Studies have revealed that allicin, which is the active substance, in garlic contributes to weight loss.
Kidney health: Garlic is known as a diuretic, and it can even contribute to dissolving kidney stones
Respiratory system: Garlic may remove phlegm and relieve annoying coughing.
Skin health: Garlic extract may help heal wounds and infectious skin infections by topical treatment.
Gynecology: Garlic relieves menstrual pain and may treat vaginal infections.
Elsalhaya Garden harissa
Hot chili is one of the most prominent natural ingredients used in many fields, especially the food fields. It is a mashed red hot pepper, thanks to its stinging and hot flavor, which gives a special and wonderful taste to various foods added to it with salt, oil and vinegar cooked at a high temperature
Harissa Benefits
Hot chili has many benefits in the treatment of many health problems and the prevention of a large number of diseases, and in the case of many problems that negatively affect the aesthetic and external appearance of the body, thanks to its unique composition rich in many vitamins, especially vitamin A and vitamin B, including B6, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and other elements that make its formula one of the most powerful antioxidants
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Contains a high content of vitamin A
Which is the basis for strengthening the immune system in the body, as it fights viral, bacterial, and bacterial infections, which are the main cause of an unlimited number of diseases that pose a real threat to human health and life.
It contains a high percentage of beta-carotene, which is the basis for getting rid of breathing or respiratory problems, as it helps purify the lungs, and maintains the integrity of the mucous membranes.
It is considered one of the most powerful antioxidants that fights free radicals and cracks, which are among the most prominent causes of cell and deadly cancerous tumors.
It contains a high percentage of iron, which makes it raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and thus prevents anemia, or as it is scientifically called anemia.
It lowers the blood sugar level, which makes it very useful for those who suffer from diabetes. Reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, which protects against diseases of the heart, blood vessels, arteries, heart attacks and strokes.
It burns the accumulated fat in the body, making it the best natural remedy for the problem of obesity, fat and cellulite accumulated in different areas of the body.
It treats various skin problems, especially psoriasis, eczema, scabies, and intractable cases of these diseases. It also plays a major role in alleviating all the accompanying aches.
Reducing the symptoms of colds and popular diseases, including influenza, colds, and others.
It improves the mood of people, especially for people who prefer spicy and hot foods, as it stimulates the chemical neurotransmitters known as endorphins, which in turn are one of the main factors behind the feeling of happiness and joy.
Rose water is the distillation of rose petals. It is one of the by-products of the production of rose oil used in perfumes, and rose water is used as a flavor for food, and as a component of some cosmetics and medical preparations. It is also used for religious purposes throughout Europe and Asia
Ketchup is one of the most common additions. It is added to many fried foods and used in all ready-to-eat restaurants. It is preferred by most adults and children. It is derived from tomatoes, which are an essential ingredient in ketchup, and is often used for fatty foods such as hamburgers, hot dogs, and potatoes. There are 5 health benefits of ketchup, and they are
Low in calories
Ketchup can be used to add flavor to your foods and is useful because it is low in calories, as a tablespoon of tomato sauce provides only 15 calories, less than 1 percent of the recommended daily intake of 2000 calories, and this is much less than calories available in other seasonings, such as mayonnaise, which provides 100 calories per tablespoon
It contains a small percentage of fat
Ketchup practically contains less than 0.1 grams of fats per tablespoon, and this makes it free of saturated fats, which are harmful fats that contribute to cardiovascular diseases. The fat of ketchup is much less than the fats found in other seasonings. A tablespoon of mayonnaise contains 11 grams of fat, and foods high in fat can be particularly harmful and lead to weight gain because they are not only high in calories, but promote lower calorie burning rates, according to research published in 2001 in the International Journal of Obesity
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Low in carbohydrates
Ketchup is low in carbs, at less than 4 grams per serving, which makes it even more diet-friendly, as it’s the most flavorful and low-carb additive.
It contains a high percentage of lycopene
The high content of lycopene is one of the important benefits of ketchup, and lycopene is an antioxidant, which means that it protects the body’s cells from free radical damage. In addition, the American Cancer Society has indicated that lycopene may also help boost cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of some types of cancer. Such as bladder, lung and stomach cancer.
Contains a high percentage of vitamin A
Ketchup is also a rich source of vitamin A, and this vitamin maintains healthy eyes, skin structure, mucous membranes, teeth and bones.
Ketchup side effects :
First, the ready-made ketchup contains a percentage of sugar .. It turns out that the amount of sugar in each bottle of ketchup is estimated at about a quarter of the bottle, and it is known that the higher the blood sugar level, the higher the risk of serious diseases.
Secondly, ready-made ketchup raises the proportion of sodium in the body … It has been found through studies that the proportion of sodium increases in the human body by eating a spoonful of ketchup, and it was estimated at about 7% of sodium by eating one spoon. Your body does not need it..
Thirdly, ketchup contains a large proportion of fructose .. A group of rumors have recently spread about ketchup, as it contains a large proportion of fructose syrup, and many people have confused the effect of this syrup and the effect of sugar on the blood, but the effect of fructose syrup is much higher than the effect of sugar in the blood because it It is not natural because it was produced from genetically modified corn, and this leads to exposure to liver diseases, weight gain, and diabetes, and makes the body unable to resist these diseases because it lowers the immune system .
Fourthly, ketchup contains distilled vinegar .. The amount of distilled vinegar per spoon of ketchup is about 4 grams, and the harm from distilled vinegar comes from that it is made from genetically modified corn. and the immune system .
Fifthly, ready-made ketchup is devoid of nutritional value .. Some believe that fresh tomatoes, rich in vitamins and disease-fighting lycopene, are the main component of ketchup, but otherwise, the tomato paste used to prepare ketchup is very harmful because it contains preservatives and chemicals harmful to the health of the body, most notably mercury .
Sixthly, ketchup and cancer ..ketchup contains valine, which is an oxidizing substance that indicates the presence of carcinogenic substances.
.Seventhly, ketchup and stomach diseases .. Ketchup causes an increase in acidity and irritates the stomach, because it contains a certain type of acid .
Children and ready-made ketchup.. Children love ketchup, but the American Heart Association stressed the need to keep the body from increasing the proportion of sugar, and one of the most prominent ways that enables you to do that is to stay away from eating ketchup, especially at dinner
Mustard seeds, which is one of the components of mustard, makes mustard of many benefits for the body. Where yellow mustard is one of the best types of sauces that are used in foods such as hot dogs and burgers, as it has a distinctive taste that adds a distinctive taste and aroma to foods, and it can be used in a crushed form (powder), sauce or oil, but besides that, a lot of the beneficial medicinal benefits of yellow mustard has been discovered
The health benefits of mustard come from its nutritional value. Mustard is a good source of protein, fiber, vitamin C and many vitamin B compounds. Mustard is also rich in many minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium important for good health
A kind of sauce eaten by adding it to sandwiches or hamburgers, dipped in french fries, or added to some types of salad, such as coleslaw. Mayonnaise is a raw material for many other sauces
Benefits of oats
Energy source
Eating a meal of oatmeal for breakfast provides a large amount of energy that will continue with you during the day, and will help you accomplish your daily activities without getting tired. This is due to
High content of dietary fiber, which is one of the complex carbohydrates, which helps to regulate blood sugar levels, increase the feeling of satiety and give more energy for a long time
Oats contain a high level of B vitamins, which contribute to enhancing energy production processes in the body
Reducing the risk of obesity
One of the benefits of oats as a daily meal is to reduce the risk of obesity. This is due to its high content of dietary fiber, which helps to fill the stomach and increase the feeling of satiety
Compared to breakfast cereals made from cornflakes, oats are slower to digest and therefore Reduces the feeling of hunger
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Reduce the amount of meals eaten later
Reduces calories and prevents weight gain and obesity.
Diabetes prevention
Oats help prevent type 2 diabetes, as they have a low glycemic index (high glycemic index)
When the glycemic index of the food is low, this means that the gastric emptying process will be slower and therefore this will affect blood sugar levels and will improve insulin sensitivity.
Promote heart health
One of the benefits of oats as a daily meal is to promote heart health
Many studies have linked the consumption of oats with the promotion of heart health, due to its high content of dietary fiber, in addition to being a rich source of vitamins and minerals important for regulating the work of the heart
And it was found in a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, that eating meals of whole grains reduces the risk of coronary heart disease.
It has also been shown that beta-glucan, one of the most important soluble fibers found in oats, has a positive effect on reducing cholesterol.
Promote healthy skin
Oatmeal is one of the ideal foods for promoting and caring for the health of the skin and skin.
The American Academy of Dermatology recommends oatmeal for various skin conditions, including eczema.
Great nutritional value
Oats are a great source of a large number of different nutrients required for a healthy body such as:
Complex carbohydrates, vegetable proteins and a little fat.
Many important minerals and vitamins such as iron, copper, phosphorous, calcium and zinc
Reducing the risk of asthma in children
Studies have shown that feeding infants younger than 6 months of age oats reduced their risk of childhood asthma.
Reduce constipation
Studies have shown that oat bran reduced constipation in older adults and reduced their need to use laxatives.
Flour is a powder that is usually made from grains such as wheat, barley, corn, etc., and sometimes it is also made from potatoes, rice or any crop rich in starch. Flour is the main raw material in the manufacture of basic foods such as bread, cakes, pasta and other foods.
It is a type of bread that is dried and toasted in the oven and turned on all sides until it acquires a golden color and a crunchy taste. Then it is left to cool and is crushed either using a food processor or is placed in a bowl and crushed with mortar or grind it using freezing bags, and is crushed till it gets soft, then it is placed in an oven tray, and gets roasted again until it tolerates moisture without being damaged, then it is left to cool and gets preserved in an airtight glass container
Uses of bread crumbs
Flavorings are added to the bread crumbs such as herbs, spices and seasonings to enhance its flavor. Where you can add paprika or curry if the chicken is coated with it, or add cumin, oregano or rosemary to coat meat, or add cheese and herbs powder to coat vegetables, and add cumin and garlic powder to coat fish, and it is also possible to add oats or flavor-free morning breakfast granules to increase its crunch and its nutritional value after roasting and grinding
Bread crumbs are used to coat meat, chicken and fish before grilling them in the oven or frying them to give foods a delicious crunch and rich flavor, and to preserve their juiciness and keep them soft so that they do not dry out during the grilling or frying process. It is used to coat cheeses before frying to increase their consistency and prevent them from melting. It is used in types of minced meat to increase its consistency. It is also used in preparing mashed potato dishes to increase their cohesion and strength. Breadcrumbs can also be placed on bechamel dishes to prevent them from burning
Chocolate cream is a cream of covering chocolate and milk cream, which is used for filling and covering pastries and sweets